
Ralph H Smith
Ralph H Smith

Ralph H Smith is a passionate and dedicated blogger who specializes in writing about radio-controlled (RC) vehicles. With over a decade of experience in the RC hobby, Ralph has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in various aspects of RC vehicles, including cars, trucks, boats, and drones.

Born and raised in a small town in the United States, Ralph’s fascination with RC vehicles began at a young age when he received his first RC car as a birthday gift. This sparked a lifelong passion for the hobby, leading him to explore and experiment with different types of RC vehicles throughout the years.

Ralph started his blog, “RC Kink” in 2018 as a platform to share his experiences, tips, and tricks with fellow enthusiasts. His engaging writing style and in-depth knowledge have attracted a loyal following of readers who appreciate his practical advice and honest reviews of the latest RC products.

In addition to his blog, Ralph is an active member of several online RC forums and communities, where he generously shares his expertise and helps newcomers navigate the exciting world of RC vehicles. When he’s not writing or tinkering with his RC collection, Ralph enjoys attending local RC events and competitions, further fueling his passion for the hobby.

Through his blog and community involvement, Ralph Smith has become a respected figure in the RC world, inspiring countless enthusiasts to explore the thrilling and dynamic realm of radio-controlled vehicles.